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Thursday, May 20, 2010


  • Some men think women are devils; I believe they are angels who need to be cared for. Your wife will either be a devil or an angel depending on you
  •  Beautiful things happen when a woman loves God; Great things happen when a man trusts God.Imagine the power of a home where the mother loves God and the father trusts God.
  • A great husband must be strong and a good wife must be tender.
  • A great husband will be strong and caring or else he will become overburdening.
  • A good wife will be tender but not weak.
  • One of the greatest things that could happen to a woman is a husband that maximizes her.
  • I have chosen to live a character based and principle centered life. Character makes a good man while   principle produces and effective man. There is nothing like a good and effective man.
  • A life that is character based but not principle centered produces a good but ineffective man.
  • When I see a man I think of greatness; when I see a woman I think of beauty; when I see a couple I think of great beauty.
  • Working with a difficult person can be so uninteresting; however, the lessons learned are invaluable. Don’t   be quick to disengage from a difficult person because you may be missing a lesson of a lifetime.
  • No race is superior to another; white is not superior to black and neither is black superior to white;however, some minds are superior to others.
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To Men

Some men think women are devils; I believe they are angels who need to be cared for. Your wife will    either be a devil or an angel depending on you.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Facebook | Stephen Olusanmi Akintayo

Facebook Stephen Olusanmi Akintayo: "Unless you sing aloud no one knows how danceable the melody is.Let your voice be heard in truth and progress"
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Facebook | Stephen Olusanmi Akintayo

Facebook Stephen Olusanmi Akintayo: "We must set standards and ensure that they are adhered to, we must establish systems and be sure they are working, we must outline processes and commit to following them.Then we will progress as a nation.Remember, it begins with you."
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


• Catch a vision for yourself and then you will be able to catch one for our nation. The visions we have are the pathways to our destiny.

• If our nation will come into his greatness we must begin to see ourselves as who we can be not just who we are.
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Friday, January 22, 2010


• You may not be the President of Nigeria, The CEO of a company or the Captain of your class. Leadership is not by position but by influence. Live everyday of your life with a view to positively influence someone and you will be the real leader.
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